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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1998;36(5):125-135.
중년기 직장 남성의 퇴직에 대한 태도와 퇴직 후 생활 계획
서울대학교 아동가족학과
Middle-aged employed men's attitudes toward retirement and plans for post-retirement life
The purpose of this study is to investigate the overall levels of the middle-aged employed men's attitudes toward retirement and plans for post-retirement life, and to explore the relative effects of personal, family, and job characteristics on retirement attitude and the level of retirement plan. The data were collected from the 438 middle-aged (ranging from 41 to 50) employed men through the structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentile, average, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the data analysis show that most of the respondents had neither positive nor negative attitude toward retirement and the level of planning for post-retirement life was slightly higher than average score on the scale. Next, the positive attitudes of middle-aged employed men toward retirement were observed from those who have higher education, larger household income, higher job security and lower job stress respondents who hold professional, administrative, or official jobs were more positive toward retirement than those who hold professional, administrative, or official jobs were more positive toward retirement than those who hold manufacturing or sales job. A well-planned post-retirement life was found among those who have better health, higher job satisfaction, job security and job orientation. Job characteristic variables such as job security and job satisfaction showed stronger impact than personal or family ones on the attitude toward retirement and the level of retirement planning. Household income and health also had significant effects.
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