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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(10):27-43.
소비자보증금제도에 관한 연구 - 1 회용 봉투 및 쇼핑백을 중심으로 -
유두련, 심미영, 박영미
대구효성가톨릭대학교 생활환경학과, 경성대학교 생활경영학과, 안동대학교 가정관리학과
The Consumer Deposit Program(CDP) for Plastic and Paper Shopping Bags: Its Implications for Environmental Issues
유두련, 심미영, 박영미
The CDP in Korea has been enforced for conserving resources and reducing environmental pollution since March, 1999. Therefore this thesis aims to investigate the degrees of consumer participation(CP), recognition and support, and to analysis of demographic variables, consumers' psychology, and attitudes which may influence the degrees of CP recognition, and support for the CDP. The results were as follows: First, the time of surrey was found to be statistically significant in consumer recognition and support. The degree of recognition was the lowest in first time. And the degree of consumer support was the highest in first time. Second, education, employment status and house shape were found to be statistically significant. The degree of consumer recognition was the highest among junior college graduates. The employed group was found to be the highest in the degree of participation. Third, the significant factors which influenced the degree of recognition was the time of survey, the perceived difficulty, effectiveness of the Consumer Deposit Program. The perceived difficulty, the time of survey were found to be related with the degree of consumer support. The most influential variables which influenced the degree of consumer participation were house shape, the perceived effectiveness, the degree of resource recycling, job and the degree of consumer recognition.
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