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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(10):143-156.
기혼취업여성의 취업특성과 직업만족도 영향요인 - 자영업자와 봉급생활자의 비교를 중심으로 -
계명대학교 가족복지 전공
The Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Work Condition of Married Women -Focus on the Comparison of Salaried with Self-employed-
The purpose of this study were to compare the job satisfaction of married salaried women with that of self-employed, and to identify the determinants of job satisfaction of both of them. The sample consisted of 176 salaried women and 123 self-employed from data of 1998 Korea Household Panel Study, and analyzed into Frequencies, Percentile, t-test, χ2-test, and Multiple Regression. The findings showed that self-employed had larger proportion of home-based worker, worked more hours, and had more earnings than the salaried, and that the job satisfaction of salaried worker were higher than that of self-employed. The determinants of job satisfaction of total working women were educational level, perception of present economic status, health status, number of eamers, weekly working hours, and their income. In case of salaried worker, educational level, health status, number of earners, weekly working hours, and their income had effect on their job satisfaction, while the factors contributing job satisfaction of self-employed were health status, region, weekly working hours, and income.
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