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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2000;38(11):31-42.
농촌주부의 가사노동 사회화 실태와 기대
정은미, 채옥희
원광대학교 대학원 가정학과, 원광대학교 생활과학대학
The Expectation and the Performance on the housework Socialization of Rural Homemakers
정은미, 채옥희
The purpose of this study was to describe the general degree of expectation and performance of the housework socialization of rural homemakers, to investigate their relationships to demographic variables and to investigate the influence of the performance of housework socialization in relation to the expectation of it. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Rural homemakers’housework socialization score is the upper medium range. 2. The performance of housework socialization was somewhat affected by variables such as the education of homemakers, types of farm, years of residence in rural area, yearly income and employment of homemakers. 3. The expectation of housework socialization was significantly affected by variables such as the education of homemakers, types of farm and yearly income. 4. The expectation of housework socialization was significantly different depending on the utilization of grouped, the utilization of commodities and the utilization of household equipment, as subdomains of the performance on the housework socialization.
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