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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2001;39(1):65-80.
경조비에 대한 의식 및 지출 변화 - IMF 경제위기 이후 제주지역을 중심으로 -
김혜연1, 김미성2
제주대학교 가정관리학과1, 제주대학교 교육대학원2
The Change in Consciousness and Expenditure on Kyung-Jo after IMF Economic Crisis on Cheju Island
김혜연1, 김미성2
This study aimed to investigate the changed consciousness and expenditure on Kyong-Jo after IMF economic crisis and the some factors which have effects on the change. The expenditure on Kyong-Jo included donations and gifts associated with congratulations and condolences. The data were collected through the personal questionnaire on Cheju Island. The sample consisted of 400 married adults whose age were between 20 to 65. The independent variables were some individual characteristics, household related variables, and Kyong-Jo related variables. The dependent variables included the change in consciousness and expenditure on Kyong-Jo. The data were analyzed by methods such as frequencies, means, Multiple Regression and Logistic Regression analysis. Major results were as follows. The respondents perceived that Kyong-Jo is fundamentally a good custom to help each other when some one is in the hard time. Their perception of the expenditure on Kyong-Jo has not been changed even since IMF economic crisis. 70% of the respondents staid that there was little difference of the expenditure on Kyong-Jo before and after IMF economic crisis. This trend is in contrast to the perception and the expenditure of the people who lived in the other residences after IMF economic crisis. The factors which had significant effects on the respondent's consciousness of the expenditure on Kyong-Jo were occupation, whether owns a house or not, household income, and household assets. The change of household expenditure on Kyong-Jo was effected by the respondent's sex, occupation, household income, household assets, and social network. These results suggested that the respondents on Cheju Island more strongly hold the conservative perception to the expenditure on Kyong-Jo rather than the people in other residences.
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