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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2002;40(12):85-108.
인터넷 경품광고 및 용모에 대한 소비자태도와 행동
Consumer's Attitude and Behavior about the Internet Premium Advertisement and Its Application
이민선, 이은희
인하대학교 소비자·아동학과
The objectives of this study were to investigate the trend of the attitude and the behavior about consumer's internet premium advertisement and its application and the factors which influence on the attitude and the behavior about consumer's premium advertisement and its application; the demographic variables, internet communication-environment variables and variables in relation to consumer's premium advertisement application. For these purpose, the data collected two way: internet survey and questionnaire survey. The data used in this study included people who have looked an internet Premium Advertisement more than once during internet use. Major findings were as following: (1) The attitude of internet premium advertisement and its application could be described as the mean 34.16 md 24.61 separately(3.11 and 2.73 point on 5.00 points scale). The behavior of application about internet premium advertisement was measured as a behavior of application whether or not; application 18.7% and unapplication 81.3%. (2) The attitude of application about internet premium advertisement was significantly different according to age, joining frequency on internet, past experience of winning a premium, purchasing information search, interesting connection on the internet, the risk about the money loss and negative evaluation of other persons, the economical values of premiums, winning possibility, and preferable premiums. The behavior of application about internet premium advertisement, the behavior of application whether or not was significantly different according to sex, age, school career, a circuit speed, a period of using, joining frequency and a using place, past experience of winning a premium, purchasing information search, interesting connection on the internet, the risk about the negative evaluation of other persons, the economical values of premiums, winning possibility, and preferable premiums. (3) When looking at the influence of variables about the attitude of application about internet premium advertisement, the most influence variables was the past experience of winning a premium, and next was winning possibility, sex, the interest about the premiums which made the consumer want to apply, the economical values of premiums, the purpose of purchase information search and the using time. The explanation of those variables were 22.6%. As the result of the Logistic analysis, it was found that the frequency of the internet connection, the past experience of winning premiums, the risk about the outflow of credit information, interesting premiums, and premium advertisement were the most important variables to affect the possibility of the behavior of application about internet premium advertisement critically.
Keywords: 인터넷 경품광고, internet premium advertisement, 인터넷 경품응모, application about internet premium advertisement, 인터넷 통신환경, internet communication- environment, 경품응모 위험성, the risk of premium advertisement application
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