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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(4):111-126.
남녀 대학생의 의복 소비생활과 만족도에 관한 연구
A Study on the Clothing Consumption Pattern and Satisfaction of University Students
권수애, 최종명
충북대학교 패션디자인정보학과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the clothing consumption pattern and satisfaction of the university students. 509 subjects were surveyed during the period of 2002, for statistical analysis, t-test, ANOVA(LSD), X²-test were used by SPSSWIN program. The results of this study were following; Number of clothing showed significant difference according to sex, income, and major Female students had more clothes than male students, but female student was not satisfied with thier number of clothing. University students spend the money below one hundred thousandwon on the purchase of clothing and they depend upon their parents for the cost. Their resources of fashion information are display of shop. Clothing consumption pattern showed significant difference according to sex and female students purchased on sale more frequently than male students. The needs of university students for formal wear was high. The reason for not wearing the clothes they have showed significant difference according sex, male students din't wear their clothes for ragging or unsuitableness of size but female students din't wear because thier clothes were old fashion or they lose interests in thier clothes. The tendency to have ethetic, easycare and high quality clothing of female student was stronger than that of male students. It is necessory business develop high quality formal wear at a low price, made in practical textiles and activative designed skirts for university students.
Keywords: 의복수, number of clothing, 의복소비생활, clothing consumption pattern, 대학생, university students
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