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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(4):69-84.
학동기 손자녀에 대한 조모의 역할수행: 취업모가족과 비취업모가족 비교
A Comparative Study on the Grandmothers’ Role Performance Toward their School-Aged Grandchildren between Working and nonworking Mother Families
이미숙, 조병은, 강란혜
가톨릭대학교 생활과학부,한국교원대학교 가정교육,총신대학교 아동학과
The purpose of this study was to compare the grandmothers' role performance toward their grandchildren in the elementary school between working and nonworking mother families. The subjects were 274 grandparent-grandchild pairs. The structured questionnaires, from both grandmothers and grandchildren were collected in 2001. Using statistical techniques such as factor analysis, t-test, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression analysis, the major findings were as fellows: 1) The level of the grandmothers' role performance is moderate in general. However, the grandmothers in working mother families perform surrogate mother roles more strongly than the grandmothers in nonworking mother families.2) While contact between grandmother and grandchild is associated with the grandmother's role performance in working mother families, the grandmother's age and the closeness between grandmother and mother are related to the level of the grandmother's role performance in nonworking mother families. In conclusion, the grandmothers' role performance in working mother families was found to be more important in the supporting system than in nonworking mother families.
Keywords: 조모의 역할수행, grandmothers` role performance, 취업모가족, working mother families, 비취업모가족, nonworking mother families, 학동기 손자녀, school-aged grandchildren
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A Comparative Study on the Family Role Performance between Employed Wives and Housewives  1981 September;19(3)
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