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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(8):123-132.
여대생의 의복평가기준과 성격유형과의 관계 연구
A Study on the Relation between Clothing Evaluative Criteria and Personality Types of Female University Students
Hyun-Nam Oh
Dept. of Fashion Design, Osan Collage
The purpose of this research was to determine the relation between clothing evaluative criteria and personality types. Primary factor analysis was used to classify the clothing evaluative criteria and the continual scores of Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) were used for classifying the personality types. Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to determine the relation between the clothing evaluative criteria and the personality types. The data for this research were collected from questionnaires of 309 female university students in Seoul. In the results, the clothing evaluative criteria were grouped into 4 underlying dimensions: practical, situational, appearance producible and symbolic. Partially significant relations between the 4 clothing evaluative criteria and the 4 indicators of MBTI personality types were found through correlation analysis. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the variables explaining the dimension of Sensing and Intuition (SN) were appearance producible and symbolic clothing evaluative criteria; the appearance producible criterion had an inclination toward Intuition while the symbolic criterion had an inclination toward Sensing. The variable explaining the dimension of Judging and Perceiving (JP) was situational clothing evaluative criterion, which had an inclination toward Judging.
Keywords: 의복평가기준, clothing evaluative criteria, 성격유형, personality type, 심리유형검사, MBTI, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
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