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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(10):91-102.
가족 구조에 따른 청소년 비행
Differences in the Level of Delinquent Behaviors Depending on Family Structures among Adolescents
Joo Hyun Suh, Yoo An Jin, Lee Jum Sug
Child and Family Studies, Seoul National Univ.
This study investigated differences in the level of delinquent behaviors depending on family structures among adolescents. The subjects were 552 middle and high school students living in Seoul and Incheon, of whom 247 were being raised by single-parents and 305 by non-divorced parents. All respondents answered by self-report questionnaire. Data were analyzed by t-test, Scheffe test, ANOVA and two-way ANOVA. The major findings were as follows. First, the level of adolescents' delinquent behaviors differed by sex and age. High school students tended to be more engaged in violence and status delinquent behaviors than middle school students. Male students were more likely to engage in social, sex and properly delinquent behaviors than female students. Second, there were differences in the level of delinquent behaviors depending on family structures among the adolescents. Mostly, adolescents with non-divorced parents were less delinquent than those with a single parent. Third, among the adolescents from a divorced family, then whose parents had been divorced for 1-2 years had the highest score in sex and property delinquent behaviors.
Keywords: 비행, delinquent behavior, 가족 구조, family structure, 이혼 가정 청소년, adolescents from divorced families
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