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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2008;46(8):1-15.
저소득층 이혼 가족 아동의 적응에 있어 보호요인 탐색: 아동의 대처 전략, 부모 양육 유형, 부모의 스트레스, 사회적 지지
한준아, 박경자
연세대학교 생활과학연구소, 연세대학교 아동.가족학과
Protective Factors of School-Aged Children's Adjustment to Parental Divorce from Low Income Families
Jun-Ah Han, Park, Kyung-Ja
Human Ecology Research Institute, Yonsei University, Department of Child and Family Studies, Yonsei University
s study explored adjustment of school-aged children from low-income divorced families. Specifically, protective factors for children's self-perceived competence and behavior problems were investigated with children's coping strategies, perceived social support, parents' childrearing style, and parental stress. Subjects of this study were 126 children of 4 to 6 grade and their custodial parents(38 fathers, 88 mothers) from divorced families. Children's self-perceived competence and behavior problems were not different neither by children's sex nor custodial parent's sex. When children used more positive and less negative coping strategies, and when parents experienced less childrearing stress, children perceived themselves to be more competent. Similarly, when children used more positive and less negative coping strategies, received more social support, they perceived themselves to be more adequate. Children whose parents had high levels of childrearing stress showed more internalized and externalized behavior problems. Furthermore, children who perceived less supports from peers showed more behavior problems.
Keywords: 이혼 가족, divorced families, 자아지각, self-perceived competence, 문제 행동, behavior problems, 대처 전략, coping strategies, 양육 유형, parenting styles, 부모의 스트레스, parent`s stress, 사회적 지지, social support
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Mother's Involvement and Children's School Adjustment in Poor Families  2001 January;39(1)
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