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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(9):71-82.
아동의 성 및 기질, 남편의 양육지지와 어머니의 심리적 복지감이 걸음마기 아동에 대한 어머니의 양육태도에 미치는 영향
김은진, 박성연, 임희수
이화여자대학교 아동학협동과정, 이화여자대학교 심리학과.아동학협동과정, 이화여자대학교 아동학협동과정.비고츠키 아동청소년상담센터
The Effects of Child Gender and Temperament, Husbands' Support, and Mothers'Psychological Well-Being on Maternal Parenting Behaviors toward oddlers
Seong-Yeon Park, Kim, Eun-Jin, Lim, Hee-Su
Department of Psychology·Interdisciplinary Program of Child Development & Intervention, Ewha Womans University, Department of Interdisciplinary Program of Child Development & Intervention, Ewha Womans University
Department of Interdisciplinary Program of Child Development & Intervention, Ewha Womans University.Vygotsky Child Counselling Center
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of child gender and temperament, husbands’ support, and mothers’ psychological well-being on maternal parenting behaviors toward toddlers. Mothers of 214 toddlers responded to questionnaires on the following variables: child temperament, husbands’ support, psychological wellbeing and parenting behaviors. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that: 1) Children being negative emotionality linked with mothers’ high controlling and rejective parenting behaviors and low responsive parenting behaviors directly and indirectly via mothers’ psychological well-being; 2) Husbands’ support was linked with mothers’ low controlling and rejective behaviors through mothers’ high psychological well-being; 3) Mothers’ low psychological well-being was linked to high mothers’ controlling and rejective parenting. The results of this study underscore mothers’ psychological well-being and husbands’ parenting support in predicting mothers’positive parenting.
Keywords: 양육태도, parenting attitudes, 걸음마기 아동, toddler, 거질, temperament, 남편의 양육지지, husbands` parenting support, 심리적 복지감, psychological well-being
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