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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1987;25(3):27-36.
논문편 : 비만체형을 위한 기본 Slacks 원형연구 - 중년기 부인을 중심으로 -
이영희 , 박정순 , 이정순
A Study of the Basic Slacks Pattern for the Fatty Body -The subject of middle-aged women-
Young Hi Lee , Chung Soon Park , Chung Soon Lee
The purpose of this study was to develop a slacks pattern drafting method for the fatty women of 40∼55 aged Korean women who are more than 1.5 Rohrer's index on the basis of their physical characteristics. The study was composed as follows; 1. Body measurement and statistical analysis: One hundred and thirty women between the ages of 40∼55 over 1.5 Rohrer's index were measured on 21 items. Mean, standard deviation, variance, maximum, minimum, range were computed. 2. 4 types of conventional slacks pattern were collected. The most accepted conventional slacks pattern was decided through wearing test. The new pattern was based onthe most accepted conventional pattern, and developed through wearing tests. 3. Evaluation of the new pattern drafting method: The sensory evaluation was applied to evaluate the new pattern by comparing is with the most accepted conventional pattern. According to the statistical analysis of the result of the 12 items, all the items showed significant differences (α 0.01) between the two, with the new pattern having higher scores.
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