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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1990;28(1):157-183.
논문편 : 경남지역 농촌 의 , 식 , 주생활 양식에 관한 조사 연구
밀양농잠전문대학 농가정과
A study on Rural Clothing, Dietray, Housing Style of Living in Kyeong-Sang-Nam-Do
This study is proposed to research the rural clothing, dietary and housing style of living in order to adapt a basis which is supposed to improve the quality of rural life. The sample in this research comes from Daehang 1 Li, Bubuk Myun, Miryang Gun, Kyungnam, and the results are as following; Generally rural housewives are unconcerned with fashion or its information, instead, they care for the casual wear which represents economic and active life style. Because of their financial problems, inpurchasing, they spend only a small money without plan. When they launder Clothes, they use washing bat and pannel which is easy to break fabrics, and they ineffectively use to dry it by hands twisting. The total food intake per person in a day is 1170.6gram, and all nutrients intakes except fat and calcium exceed the recommended dietary allowances. But 90.3% of the food intakes are plant food, and the average food items taken per day per househod is 11.9items which are not so various, which represents the shortage of the nutrient quality. Both the nutrition knowledge score and the food habit score are very low. Therefore, in order to enhance the quality of clothing and diet in rural life, they need to learn clothing and nutrition management for their enlightment. The most comprehensive type of farmhouse site plan take the shape of ㄱ and ㄴ, and for the most part main building is the floor plan which includes 3-4 spans in front of the change from the type of traditional house, throught the revised one, to the type of newly built house. In main building of the farmhouse, kitchen, Kunbang and Chakunbang are extended to their real space, and both utility and the bathroom are added to build, and Malu is transformed into the living space.
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A study on the total housing cost of households living in rental house  1999 February;37(2)
A study on the clothing pressure - Focusing the Men's Waist -  1986 March;24(1)
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